At The Movies

At The Movies

We saw a screening of “A Terrible Beauty” (@1916ATB) last night at the Siskel Film Center (@filmcenter).  This is a docu-drama about the Easter Rising which took place in Dublin in 1916 and set the stage for the conflicts that resulted in Ireland gaining its independence.

The movie focuses on two pivotal areas of the fighting, Mount Street Bridge and Reilly’s fort, that demonstrate the friction and passion of the building unrest.  The movie’s creators, who were on hand for Q&A after the screening, relied on extensive witness statements and action reports to provide a very personal view of the conflict.

The Rising, which lasted only five days, was a military disaster for the “republicans” and left large parts of central Dublin in ruins.  However, the harsh British response, including artillery bombardments, targeting of civilians, and executions of the Rising’s leaders, fueled the growing republican movement, leading to the War of Independence three years later.

The creators of “A Terrible Beauty” announced that they are collecting stories of families affected by the conflicts for future projects.  I’ll be sending them information on the Whelans!

“A Terrible Beauty” has a very limited release but it is available on DVD which you can order at the movie’s website (

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